Is Your Bookkeeping Silently Destroying Your Small Business?
EPAS Marketing • March 6, 2020

1. Are you operating one of Australia’s 3.8 million excellent small businesses?

2. Is your business growth because you work hard to provide great service to your customers?

3. Have you got a bookkeeper or do you use a bookkeeping service to keep track of your business performance?

If you have said, “Yes.” to any one of the above questions, our expertise over the past decade tells us that, 8 out of 10 businesses just like yours have major problems with their bookkeeping that is costing them thousands of dollars and putting their business and personal assets at risk.

We are Leading the way in Emergency Accounting in Australia where we save businesses, families and lives, where we put hard-earned dollars back into your pocket and it all starts with getting the bookkeeping right as the devil is in the detail.

The frustration of seeing new clients stressed under the burden of tax debt, systemic errors costing them profits and physical, psychological and emotional stress can be stopped right now.

Bookkeeping is unregulated in Australia, yet the taxation laws that apply to business owners rely on correct bookkeeping records. Sadly, too many business owners are in peril because of errors in their bookkeeping.

Bookkeeping can be correct, highly automated and save you loads of time. Small business owners need to know the state of their income and expenses as of today …. Not last quarter, or last year. How will last year's figures help you with questions of today?

Our bookkeeping service is built on the knowledge of what mistakes commonly occur and how to correct them. As a discerning business owner, you want live, current data available on your phone, tablet or computer. We make that happen seamlessly.

Our accounting specialists are able to use correct, current data to assist business owners to make accurate business and financial decisions. We know you’re not an accountant or bookkeeper! We wouldn’t try to fix your plumbing, restaurant menu, electrical wiring or service your car. You are too busy being really good at your small business, you need a specialist who cares about your debits and credits. You are responsible for your business even if your bookkeeper gets it wrong the cost and the responsibilities are huge. Get it right the first time, and stop the headaches later on.

Don’t become part of the 65% Club – the percentage of businesses closed because they owe the ATO money. Not only do you risk losing your business; you could be paying for the privilege of being a business owner for the rest of your life! Improve your chance of having a vibrant business in 5 years’ time with quality data entry.

Get an EPAS bookkeeper on board to provide you with more accurate forecasting. We know you will see fewer ATO issues. The risks to you, as a Company Director decline as your business taxation compliance, improve.

The benefits don’t stop there, as accurate bookkeeping helps your EPAS accountant assist you with tax planning. EPAS is able to guide you using the value-added information many firms only provide through independent consultants. When your business has growth opportunities you wish to pursue, we are able to assist with scaling and growth strategies, whilst keeping ahead of the ATO at the same time.

Improve your records, compliance, reporting, cash flow tracking and profitability by getting it right. Getting it EPAS right.

The first time.

Every time.

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