Profit. Profit. And More Profit in 2019
EPAS Marketing • January 7, 2019

Profit, More Profit. And more profit in 2019.

There’s a reason why your business is not as profitable as it could be.


All too often business owners are doing “bank balance accounting”. Most accountants, your trusted financial geniuses tell you to look at income statements, Profit and Loss statements and balance sheets. All you care about is the “bottom line”, more profit in your pocket. Half the time you are not sure what they are talking about, the rest of the time you would rather be doing something you like!


This highlights the fundamental flaw in how we are trained to think about business viability: Sales – Expenses = Profit.

Normally written as

Sales (top line, first thing you care about and highest priority)

– Expenses (second most important area of your business, but not as important as Sales)

= Profit (the bottom line – what you are supposed to care about)

By the time we get to even thinking about profit, our energy and focus has waned. Our list of tasks or goals always put important items at the top of our list. This means it is simply wrong to place profit as a “what’s left” item, after everything else.

If you want a more profitable 2019, put it first on your list! Yes, it matters because it means you are making money. It’s human nature that the goals we put first are the ones we get done. That’s why so many people work out in the morning.

What comes first is what gets done.

Isn’t it time for a change? Turn your list upside down; make decisions complete those actions which increase your profit first! Once you change what is important, commit time and energy to that which is important, allow your mind to start looking for profit-making actions.

With that as a focus, those things that simply eat up your time, which do not add to your profit can be easily identified and let go.

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