Attend our FREE event and get your business in better financial health
EPAS Marketing • November 5, 2022

Attend our FREE event and get your business in better financial health

Across Australia there are businesses that, through no fault of their own, end up in a world of financial pain. 80 per cent of accountants make mistakes for their clients, and when those mistakes result in financial penalties, it is the business owner, not the accountant, that is held liable by the ATO.

For SMEs across Australia, these liabilities can be business-ending. Most Australian SMEs operate on tight cash flows, and sudden big expenses can be enough to force the business into closure. Worse, when those expenses are the ATO calling, panic can set in, and cause the business owner to make mistakes themselves in response. The ATO has an intimidating reputation, causing business owners very real stress and anxiety… but it doesn’t need to be like this. 

That’s why we’re here to help.

EPAS are specialists in helping you manage ATO tax debt, and with diagnosing and addressing the underlying issues that put your business at risk. We are running an event in Parramatta Square on January 30 (from 11.00am-1.00pm) that will help you workshop how to avoid the kind of costly pitfalls that can threaten your business. We’ll share examples of the kind of errors to watch out for, and how you can negotiate with the ATO to drastically reduce your debt obligations. 

Most importantly, though, we’ll share insights on spotting the red flags that your business might be headed for trouble, and how to avoid that from eventuating. Many of the clients that we assist come to us at the point that it’s almost too late. We’re able to help the vast majority of them but catching it early could have saved them a great deal of pain. By following our guidance you’ll be able to nip the problem at the bud and work with us much earlier on to address the issues before they can start to seem catastrophic.

Enjoy the networking opportunity!

In addition to what will be an informative evening, the event will be an excellent opportunity to network, and potentially meet new clients and referral partners. There’s also food involved – we wouldn’t hold an evening event without that!

It’s all free – our goal with this event is to provide meaningful, actionable advice to business owners that might be concerned about the health of their business. We’re certainly available to chat afterwards if anything we discuss is of interest and relevance to you!

Book A Free Discovery Meeting
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