How Long Do I Need Emergency Accounting For?
EPAS Marketing • December 16, 2022

How Long Do I Need Emergency Accounting For?

“Emergency accounting” sounds like something that you only need as a one-off and for a short time, right? You might think that it’s like a case where you need an emergency plumber or mechanic, but only for the length of time that it takes to repair the leak or get the car running. 

However, EPAS' customers, who come to us for our emergency accounting services, mostly stay with us for the long term as well. Why? Because unlike a plumber of a mechanic, we make sure that you never need emergency accounting again. 

Our three-stage process for long-term financial health

Clients tend to contact us in a panic. The ATO is breathing down their necks and they’re not sure how to handle the debt that they owe. We work fast, but follow a three-stage process that both addresses the immediate challenges, and then take a longer-term and more strategic look at your business. 

Stage 1: The Tax Review

This is where we deal with the immediate emergency. Within 14 days of you contacting us, we will have an emergency tax strategy ready for you to review. This strategy will include the first steps to address the ATO’s correspondence, and what you can do, given your circumstances, to ensure that there are no further consequences.

This stage is about taking the heat off and allowing you the opportunity to get your circumstances under control.

Stage 2: The Tax Project

Depending on the number of financial years that need to be brought up to date (i.e. how long-term your problem is), the next stage takes 1-2 months from the time that you first engage with us. The Tax Project involves getting your accounts under control and then the all-important element of dealing with the ATO. 

At the end of this stage, you’ll have your ATO payments plan in place. We will be working with you to develop tax planning strategies so that not only are you managing your current debt, but you’ll avoid running into this problem again. 

Stage 3: Ongoing Support

With many of our clients, once it has become clear that we have helped them to navigate out of seriously rough seas, having us check in monthly to ensure that it doesn’t happen again becomes a critical part of our service. 

As they often say, “prevention is often better than cure,” and once you’ve been in the emergency department once, you’d rather avoid that happening again. Our ongoing support will raise red flags at anything that looks like it could snowball to become a problem. We will continue to provide strategic advice that ensures that your debt management is not only under control, but it’s actually a competitive advantage. 

Across those three stages, you don’t want a standard accountant. No matter how proficient they are at dotting “i’s” and crossing “t’s”, they’re not going to be able to work to the degree that you need them to. Instead, you want a tough ATO negotiator, a relentless and dogged investigator, a business-minded strategist, a lateral-thinking numbers genius and a dedicated wing-mate on your side.

That’s what EPAS provides, and our highly efficient, three-stage approach can assist just about every organisation that meets with us. Don’t wait, if you’re concerned about your ability to pay your debts, make sure you reach out to us today. That way we can immediately kick into high gear for you.

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